Friday, May 21, 2010


I hate to see this 0800 appears in my schedule! 0800 = 8 a.m = 8 o'clock class in the morning = have to wake up early = brain will not functioning well during the lecture. More than that, I will have 8 - 11 a.m class later. What to do? Thanks to UCSI once again with "so many" classrooms. We are the people who sacrified and scheduled to have class in such a early morning. I alway cannot wake up, and I alway set 20x alarms , I still couldnt wake up sometimes! Maybe due to the table tennis practice last night? or insomia? or was busy to write blog until late night ? I just wish I could continue to sleep...sleep.....sleep.......... Gosh.... Wake up please!!! 0800 is coming! =.=``` Goodbye my bed and welcome to the 0800 class.......